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Natural Opal, or Upal or Doodhiya Pathar in Hindi, is a white-colored semi-precious stone known for its innumerable benefits in good health, prosperity, beauty, and love. Original opal stones are highly revered for their astrological advantages and for displaying a wonderful rainbow of colors in different variants.
If you are looking for authentic opal stone for sale, Himalaya Quartz is the place to go. We are the leading opals seller in India known to serve all opal requirements.
“Opal” comes from the Greek word “Opallus,” meaning witness a change. Many gemologists and astrologers consider Opal an exemplary substitute for diamonds as it is affordable and mundane. Metaphysical healers are more familiar with the original brown or red-based Ethiopian Opal. This high-vibration fire energy stone unites all subtle bodies into equilibrium so the entire body functions harmoniously.
The healing properties of high-quality opal include:
To reap the best benefits of Opal, buy authentic opal stones from well-known opals seller in Jaipur-Himalaya Quartz.
You can clean your opal stone by smudging it or using cold, running water. You can further charge the stone by running it in palms or placing it in moonlight.
Opal is an alluring mineral that can offer several benefits to its wearer. However, if you want authentic opals for sale within an affordable range, Himalaya Quartz is the right place. Contact us now for different varieties of Opal and Opal jewelry.