The beauty of natural stones has long enchanted humans. Nevertheless, these stones are not for merely ornamental purposes but have healing and protective powers. They emit frequency vibrations to change the wearer's energy levels, warding off negative energy and making space for positive energy. Here are details of the healing power of different gemstones available at Himalaya Quartz, the best gemstone seller in India.
We deal in popular healing stones, each with its purported advantages. Our collection includes:
This purple stone possesses calming energies and is incredibly protective, purifying, and healing. Widely incorporated into meditative practices, Amethyst's benefits include relieving anxiety and stress and promoting a calming environment. It also eliminates negative thoughts, bringing forth sincerity, humility, and spiritual wisdom. The stone also aids sleep and demystifies dreams.
Clear quartz is known for its versatility and helps improve energy and intentions. Often used to gain clarity in thoughts, this stone also magnifies the effects of other gemstones. Considered a master healer, clear quartz aids memory and concentration and helps balance your energetic system.
This pink healing stone boosts love, harmony, trust, comfort, and connection. Also known as the love stone, rose quartz promotes compassion, emotional well-being, and self-love.
Known for its soft relaxing energies, this white semi-precious stone removes tension from communication, thus helping ideas to flow freely. The ideal stone for creativity, opal will help you speak your mind and alleviate stress and trauma. It is good for calming the mind and even aids sleep. You can also use it to relieve the signs of pollen or hay fever allergy.
One of the best ways to use gemstones to your benefit is in the form of jewelry, like earrings, bracelets and necklaces. Besides being beautiful and stylish, gemstone jewelry from the best gemstones seller in Jaipur will promote qualities like strength, calmness and confidence.
Ensure cleansing away all negativities that your valuable gemstone may have picked up by holding it under cold, running water, placing it in moonlight or sunlight, immersing it in sea salt, or smudging it with sage or other spiritual herbs.
Buying ethically sourced and authentic gemstones is crucial to reap their benefits over time. If you are skeptical about the quality of these healing crystals, contact us at Himalaya Quartz. Our expert mining team works tirelessly to bring you these naturally occurring gemstones.